I've just started school this week and I'm already late for things...
Monday, 23rd: I was late to my first class on the first day... Hmmm...I'm not really suprised, since this happens to me every freakin' year, but I really wanted to be on time. I was about 10 minutes late, which wasn't too bad but it wasn't great either.
Tuesday, 24th: I was late coming in to work at the computer lab, like ~40 minutes late. Damn, that was really bad. I've done worst, but today was bad because it was my first day for the fall semester. I was more late than usual, because I woke up late - 7:30 AM (the time I'm supposed to be at work), and then traffic was GREAT (it usually it takes me 10 - 15 minutes to get to school, but today it took me 25 minutes). I was late for work today because I forgot to set up my alarm clock on my cell, which was in the living room. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep without setting up my alarm and preparing my things for Tuesday. I want to blame others for my fault, but I can't because in reality it was really my own fault. Oh well, I'll get over it...maybe...later.
What is up with all of these "FIRSTS" happening to me all the time at the start of the semester? I don't know, but I gotta get better and overcome them. I hate that I let these things happen to me. Anyways, I hope tomorrow will be a better day and that I won't be late for work again.
Tuesdays - Fridays, I start work at 7:30 AM. I hate waking up early, but I really need to work early so that I get more out of my days and it works well with my class schedule.
Has this ever happened to anyone else, or is it just me?