Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today's Thoughts

Yay! Final Fantasy XIII finally came out yesterday. I haven't bought it, yet, but I want to. I'm debating whether I should buy it for PS3 or for XBbox 360. From what I'm seeing from the game's reviews, people are saying the graphics look way better on PS3 than on XBox 360, so are they right or not? I want to believe them, but there aren't enough evidence to prove what they say compared to the other reviewers. I watched some videos that are recorded from the XBox 360 and it the graphics look fine to me. So I don't know what those people are saying. Maybe it's their T.V. rather than their XBox 360. You know what I mean? My brother's T.V. has really good quality and displays games' graphics very well like Blu Ray, so maybe it will be okay if I buy the game for XBox 360.

Eclipse's movie teaser trailer comes out today. Yay!!! I can't wait to watch it. I heard it from, which is one of the best places to find the latest news on the Twilight Saga. I'll try to post up the teaser later today, but it will be after 5 PM or so. That's when the teaser comes out.
If you want to know more about the teaser trailer, read the article below from
First Eclipse "Teaser" - 10 seconds.

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