Saturday, January 23, 2010

Poem for Saturday - Lady Godiva

Today's poem is about Lady Godiva of Coventry. Yes, she was the lady who rode bare back on a horse naked. I had to write a historic poem for my creative writing class and so I decided to write about her. Tell me what you think of it.

Lady Godiva of Conventry

Strong and striving with much courage,
She rode through the marketplace.
Boldy sitting on the horse in the nude,
She hid her body with her long hair.
Being a great believer of rights for people,
She stood up to Leofric, her husband, to reduce taxes.
Gracefully and gutsily with much determination,
She rode through the town of Conventry.
Lady of God's gift she stopped Leofric's taxation.
While she rode through town, everyone was closed inside.
Only Tom peeped through a hole and was struck blind;
He became known as the "peeping Tom."
She made a great difference in the town of Coventry.
Lady Godiva will always be known as the nude act in ending taxation.

**Note: I know this poem kind of needs work, but I'd like to know what you think before I revise this poem. Thanks! :D

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