Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Poem for Saturday

Hey all,

Sorry, I didn't post anything up for the weekend because I was lazy and too tired to do it. But I'm going to post up one poem for those days that I missed. So here is the first one:

Aquafina the Water Bottle

Water in a 20 ounce plastic bottle
It is pure water and is the perfect taste
Which the label says.
I concur that it does taste refreshingly
Like pure water, but I'm not sure
if it is the perfect taste.
It tastes like cool, clean, and clear air.
The water swishes back and forth
When I'm drinking and moving the bottle
I feel the cold wetness on my tongue.
Then it swirls down my esophagus
And down and through to my stomach.
I drink some more because I can't get enough
Perhaps, it is the "perfect taste"
I want more to quench my thirst.
The Aquafina water bottle
Is now empty and silent.
Only remnants of water drops
And water vapor surround the inside.
The tight cap covers it and traps
Whatever lasting drop of it there.
I recycle the bottle because
There is a 'Recycle Sign'
At the bottom of the blue wrapper.
I've made "smart choices made easy."

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